Will this be the fate of other cemeteries?

I’d plan to post several of my daffodil and tulip pictures, but I found something disturbing while taking pictures of some old home sites for a post I’m doing for my blog on GRIT magazine.

I found five headstones dating from the early 1900’s on the way to take pictures of an old homestead which was the Blacksmith shop for either the Belle Mont or Melrose plantations.  I’m not sure how the dividing lines between the two were in the area. I contacted the former owner’s son and he doesn’t remember a cemetery on the property, so we aren’t sure if they are from the area or if they were dumped.  With the large farming equipment that has to be used these days, I imagine the cemetery was in the say and the headstones pulled up and dumped along the fence row.  I was able to get pictures of four of them.  I couldn’t get the fifth one turned over to take a picture of it.

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Is this the future of our family’s cemetery?  Judging from the vines overgrowing a couple of them, they’ve been there for a while. This has to be against some law right?  Now what is to be done?

Please check back in a day or so for the pictures I intended to show.

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