Headstones update, Soggy day bloomers

Time to put hummingbird feeders up.  According to the hummingbird migrations map they are in our area.  Don’t use the red dye in your feeders.

In an earlier post I posted pictures of headstones I found while doing some research for my GRIT magazine post.  Genealogy is one thing that I haven’t gotten into and really should and didn’t know where to start.  I e-mailed pictures of the headstones to the Times Daily, Shoalanda Speaks and Erin Dacy at Channel 31 in Huntsville.  Shoalanda Speaks did a post and one reader Robin found a potential cemetery for the headstone, Burleson Cemetery in Franklin County:  On February 9, 1909 the following group of men petitioned the Honorable A.J. Moody, Probate Judge of Franklin County, Alabama to hold an election to incorporate the Town of Vina. The men were W.W. Weatherford, H.H. Weatherford, C.A. Wren, T.J. Bohannon, T.W. Wren, O.P. McClain, T.A. Wren, J.W. Rogers, I.J. Rogers, A.M. Reid, J.E. Nelson, H.C. Upton, R.P. Isbell, L.M. Carter, J.D. Carter, V.E. Shotts, C.E. Newton, R. Winchester, J.M. Hughes, F.M. Kidd, J.W. Upton, J.G. Upton, L.O. Newton, Ross Massey, A.W. Clark, and W.H. Tipton. There were more than 100 inhabitants within said territory that sought to be incorporated. The election was held on March 9, 1909 with 31 votes cast unanimously for the incorporation. Probate Judge A.J. Moody signed the incorporation papers on March 13, 1909.”

Mrs. Dacy at WAAY forwarded the pictures to Christy Douglas who assigned Erika the Shoals reporter who came out and did a story about the headstones on Thursday night and Friday morning.  One viewer Steve found the cemetery at the North Carolina Church of Christ in Killen as the resting place for Liddie House Gray.  I called and left a message on their answering machine and hope to hear from them Sunday, and will ask about  Isaac Gray. Hopefully he is also buried in the cemetery, but just not listed on burial records.  I’ll post a better picture without the vine cover of the  Margaret Stidham headstone as soon as I can get help bringing it and the Weatherford headstones home for safe keeping.  The smaller Gray headstones I was able to slide into the loader of my tractor and bring home. The fifth stone  that I finally turned over after slipping off and landing in some poison ivy which I’m highly allergic too turned out to be a pestle base .

Hopefully two of the headstones will go home to their burial place next week.  I appreciate the help I’ve received from everyone, as I had no idea where to start.  I  hope some one can find information where the other two belong.

It’s been a dreary stormy day today, hopefully these daffodils and other blooms that I took Friday will brighten the end of your day.

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